Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! 10-01-14 Please bring all your SMILES to school! Our pictures will be taken at 9:30!! :):):):)

Monday, September 8, 2014

SUMDOG - update!

I would like to let you know that the "school code" for SUMDOG has been changed to: craddock1. I apologize for any problems this has caused. I just discovered someone changed this code accidentally. With that said, if you are having any problems logging into SUMDOG after making this change, please let me know. Again, I apologize for any frustration this has caused you at home. school code - craddock1

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Welcome to SECOND GRADE! 2014-2015

I want to share that it was a wonderful day today. The children are excited and focused! I hope that you have found the STORIA information in your child's Take Home Folder. Please let me know if you have any problems logging in. I am in the process of setting up SUMDOG for the children. This is a MATH website which I know the children will love. It was a FAVORITE last year for Room 109! Tomorrow, the children will be learing more about our Positive Behavior program at Craddock. Please know that if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. I appreciate the HOME/SCHOOL Connection. Have a nice evening!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

THURSDAY --- We need to cancel our BROWNIE Celebration tomorrow!

We need to CANCEL our PJ, Stuffed Animal, and Board Game celebration for tomorrow. We will re-schedule this celebration for NEXT Thursday. I will send home a reminder next week. Thank You!!